
Access's publications, the latest risk news, analyses and publications from around the world. 

What we mean when we say, is a data-driven organization

What we mean when we say, is a data-driven organization

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Beep, beep, beep…

Beep, beep, beep…

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Webinar: Sovereign debt in frontier countries and the role of credit ratings

Webinar: Sovereign debt in frontier countries and the role of credit ratings

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Meet your country risk helpers!

Meet your country risk helpers!

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Country risk: The hunt for premia

Country risk: The hunt for premia

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Checklist for the path to a sovereign credit rating

Checklist for the path to a sovereign credit rating

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Some observations on “Wolfsberg Group: Country Risk Frequently Asked Questions 2024”

Some observations on “Wolfsberg Group: Country Risk Frequently Asked Questions 2024”

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Webinar material: IMF PortWatch

Webinar material: IMF PortWatch

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Webinar: The Role of Sovereign Green Bonds in Chile's Development

Webinar: The Role of Sovereign Green Bonds in Chile's Development

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How we assess country risk

How we assess country risk

Part 1: Search for sovereign default data

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Webinar: Sub-Saharan Africa’s Risk Perception Premium: In the Search of Missing Factors

Webinar: Sub-Saharan Africa’s Risk Perception Premium: In the Search of Missing Factors

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Breaking the Data Wrangler’s Code: Our Data’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed

Breaking the Data Wrangler’s Code: Our Data’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed

In this blog post, we share the details of the data pipeline used for

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And now, for your next trick…: A new ability for your AI Country Risk Assistant

And now, for your next trick…: A new ability for your AI Country Risk Assistant

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Webinar: Your AI Country Risk Assistant: Accelerating your productivity, delivering value

Webinar: Your AI Country Risk Assistant: Accelerating your productivity, delivering value

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Imagine producing a country risk report in just minutes...

Imagine producing a country risk report in just minutes...

Country risk analysis needn’t be protracted or complex. In this blog post, we introduce our AI Assistant. Our approach drives productivity and delivers value through independence, transparency, domain expertise and technology.

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Introducing Our new platform for better, more efficient data sourcing

Introducing Our new platform for better, more efficient data sourcing

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Webinar: Targeting corporate activities with transparency: What can we expect from sustainability reporting?

Webinar: Targeting corporate activities with transparency: What can we expect from sustainability reporting?

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Webinar: The trade off between price stability and financial stability

Webinar: The trade off between price stability and financial stability

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Gone Fishing: The Rating Agencies and the U.S. Debt Ceiling

Gone Fishing: The Rating Agencies and the U.S. Debt Ceiling

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Webinar: Increasing countries’ financial resilience through global catastrophe risk pooling

Webinar: Increasing countries’ financial resilience through global catastrophe risk pooling

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