InsightsWebinar: What has Covid-19 meant for the health of sovereigns?

Webinar: What has Covid-19 meant for the health of sovereigns?

Quick link to webinar material and video

Jenny Asuncion
Mar 10, 2021

Our Chief Economist, Dr. Moritz Kraemer, and Lorenzo Codogno, founder and Chief Economist of LC Macro Advisors Ltd., will take stock of Covid-19’s implications on sovereigns and its rating implications. They also discuss surprising patterns on sovereign ratings since the pandemic’s outbreak last year.

Moritz will present his views on the sovereigns that are most at risk of default in 2021 and share his thoughts on why under current circumstances, debt restructurings may not be as damaging as many debtors fear.

Also on their minds: can the ECB normalize monetary conditions in the Euro area without rekindling its sovereign debt crisis?

  • Video recording: Link
  • Presentation slides: Link

Written by:
Jenny Asuncion